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發布時間:2021-03-16 07:23:14

A. 中學生應不應該參加補習班英語作文加翻譯



Should middle school students attend cram school ?


B. 求一篇關於高中生周末要不要補課的英語作文!!!

Passing the National College Entrance Examination and being taken by a university, especially a keyuniversity, is the dream of every senior high school student. In order to carry out their dreams, the high school students are very busy making peraprations for the annual Entrance Examination. Some students think it is necessary to take every minute account to review their lessons becuase the Entrance Examination is fixed on June 7-9, which is one month ealier than the past. They the best way is to go to tutors' classes to make up the lessons they have missed or they haven't mastered. Some other stuents don』t thinks so. They think they should have a goord rest before the entrance examination because a better rest can make their mind more active and sensitive to answering questions on the Entrance Examination Paper so as to get a better grade. But in my own opinion, I can only agreed with them partially. I think the combination of work and rest is the best way to prepare our lessons for the National College Examination. Work hard without rest, you will be a fool; Rest without work, you will be nothing. The nursery rhyme still keep in my mind, is 「While you work, and play while you play. This is the way to be happy and gay.」 (222 words)

C. 寫一篇關於一位中學生上不上補習班的英語作文

From my point of view, students should go to the cram school. Because things we can learn from school are really just a little and if we could find good teachers to help us, we can get to know a lot of things we can't learn at school.Plus, our school just assure us are all alike,there's little space for creativity, and spending all the time at schoolwork is a kind of waste of time.we're still very young. we should be able to choose the things we want to learn and study without any limits from school.only then could we love studying,right?

D. 中學生應不應該補課的英語作文


E. 關於青少年該不該上補習班英語作文怎麼寫,用書信方式

嗯 對了 現在我報讀的ABC天丅英語中心的導師要我明白,事實上要學好英語是很容易的 堅持有個適合的研習情境與熟練口語對象 外教水平很重要 純正歐美口音才行 不間斷每日口語練習,一對一家教式輔導就有.好.的學習效果。課程結束後記得回放復習課後錄音反饋 來進一步深化知識 不過實在沒人幫忙的狀況下,那麼就到 VOA或滬江拿到課後材料閱讀 多問多聽短時間語境就加強起來,學習效益會非常迅速明顯的。Dear......
I am glad to hear from your letter.Firstly, I want to explain what is clone. In the dictionary, clone is a group of plants or organisms proced asexually from one ancestor. It can replicate the gene from the best biology. So it brings us its usages. I tnk clone technology can help man to keep biology from being extinct. Even if there is an only existence of some species, we also can let ts species goes on in the world. At the same time, man can get a great much of benefit from it. If somebody lost s arm or leg, we can replicate the new one by m gene. So there is no physical rejection. We will greatly help the disable to improve their life and rece us cost in health-care. Cloning brings a lot of suestions. If someone can come to the world with only one parent, will he or she be happy? My grandmother died a few years ago. I miss her very much. If she can be cloned into a new one, I'll be very happy but confused.What shall I call her after she comes into the world? Because"she -- my grandmother" is younger than I.
Write soon SincerelyYours

F. 就"中學生該不該補課"寫一篇80字英語作文

Some parents agree with parents should push their children hard,children should have after-school classes. because they think if children have no pressure , they will be very lazy . stress can make students study hard,too . Pressure helps to develop children's other skills and abilities 。But some parents disagree with them . They think kids should have enough time to relax and think for themselves.
In my opinion , I think after-school classes can help kids . after-school classes are important for children's future.

G. 寫一篇關於學生應不應該上補習班的英語作文60詞

For the cram school, some of students have different attitudes. Some people think that should not be on the cram school, because it is a waste of money and time. Some people think that should be on the cram school, because it can help them improve their learning.

H. 英語作文中學生應不應該補課

我覺得不用,因為只要你會用英語單詞 句子 就可以了,沒有多難



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