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发布时间:2021-03-14 02:09:37

A. 急求一篇以《中学生如何阅读英语文章》的英语作文(急!急!)

As the saying goes "having read more than ten thousand books, write such as God", learning English is so. English reading is much more, will be able to put their own sense of language training, and consolidate the learned vocabulary and grammatical knowledge in the process of reading. By reading different subject matter widely, also can accept more information, understanding of different countries and regions of the local customs and practices and historical geography, celebrities and other aspects of knowledge, to expand the field of vision, to promote the learning of other subjects are very helpful. Therefore, must take reading as an important step in learning English, not for every reading time and the length, but must persevere to read, so that we can get good effect.

B. 初中英语作文 如何培养良好的阅读习惯 带翻译

如何养成好习惯 美国心理学巨匠威廉·詹姆斯有一段对习惯的经典注释:“种下一个行动,收获一种行为;种下一种行为,收获一种习惯;种下一种习惯,收获一种性格;种下一种性格,收获一种命运。” 习惯是一种长期形成的思维方式、处世态度,习惯是由一再重复的思想行为形成的,习惯具有很强的惯性,象转动的车轮一样。人们往往会不由自主地启用自己的习惯,不论是好习惯还是不好的习惯,都是如此。可见习惯的力量——不经意会影响人的一生。 一般来说,习惯可以在有目的、有计划的训练中形成,也可以在无意识状态中形成。而良好的习惯必然在有意识的训练中形成,不允许也不可能在无意识中自发的形成,这是好习惯与不良习惯的根本区别。相对于其他习惯而言,不良习惯形成以后,要改变它是十分困难的,俗话说:“江山易改,本性难移。”从根本上说,任何一个好习惯的养成都不会是轻而易举的。 要培养一个好习惯,首先必须要研究它的重要性,因为只有明白了它的重要性,才会有培养这个习惯的强烈愿望。 二是对所培养的习惯进行必要性,可行性的分析,从某种意义说,克服一个坏习惯,培养一个好习惯是人生最难的,而又是对人生最有价值的。因此,要培养一个习惯,开始前的可行性的分析很重要,这样使你建立在理智和科学的基础上。否则,头脑一热,盲目去做,常常会半途而废。 三要培养好习惯,就要:“统筹安排,逐一击破。”我们知道,人的习惯实现是一个庞大的体系,它像一棵大树一样,有干、有枝、有叶。它可以是我们工作方面的习惯,也可以是学习方面的,健康方面的,感情方面的。与人相处方面的各种习惯,也可以是思维方式的习惯,也可以是行为方式习惯。因此当我们明白习惯对我们人生和命运的重要性后,要对准备培养的习惯作统筹安排。这样可以分清主次,明确先后,然后有步骤的去培养,就会更有成效。 从根本上说,任何一个好习惯的培养都不会是轻而易举的,因此,我们一定要循序渐进,由浅入深,由近及远。尤其开始是我们要宁少勿多、宁简勿繁、宁易勿难。先找一个比较容易做到的,做起来有兴趣的,很快就能尝到甜头的,而且能不断受到自己和周围人激励的习惯开始,而且下的功夫要大一些,花的时间要长一些,这样就容易成功。 第一个习惯养成了,一定会使你品尝到成功的喜悦。既然是好习惯,它就会在你无意识中自动为你管理,为你服务,而且为你效忠终生。 四是关键前三天,重在一个月。当我们下决心要培养一个好习惯之后,成功的关键在于前三天,特别重要的是前一个月。 俗话说:“万事开头难”“好的开端是成功的一半”,培养习惯也是一样。至于说培养习惯重在一个月,这是指度过前几天,真正的是一个习惯的养成,这过程差不多要一个月左右。因为根据美国科学家 的研究,一个好习惯的养成成为21天,90天的重复会形成稳定的习惯。所以一个观念,如果被别人或自己验证了21次以上,它一定会形成你的信念。 习惯培养法之五——习惯仿佛像一根缆绳, 美国著名教育家曼恩说:“习惯像一根缆绳,我们每天给它缠上一股新索,要不了多久,它就会变得牢不可破。”因为好习惯每天缠上一股,要不了多久就会牢不可破。 习惯培养法之六——坚持不懈,直到成功。

C. 作为中学生你怎样看待阅读,请写一篇作文,谈谈阅读的重要性和看法英语作文

First of all, without reading you can't even speak logically. It is also ridiculous that you don't read but learning english. Just for speaking? In my opinion sooner or later you have to read and try to comprehend.
There are variety of benefit for reading. If you read, you can widen your vocabulary.With consistent reading you may speak logically and write easily for anyting. And also if you read aloud per day, your pronouncation will be improved and be used to the language. Reading can improve your comprehension. With reading many books you become wiser,because the only method of learning from past which is called history is reading.

D. 英语作文你如何看待阅读

Internet is essential for a modern sociaty.First of all,internet is used as one of the most important communication tools between nations,cooperations and indivials.People can share their information,ideas and news online,which may be spread out very fast.However internet is also a double edged sword.As the identities of the users are not required online,this makes the internet a perfect platform for people to commit crimes.Without real identities,it is not easy to catch the criminals if they commit crimes online.

E. 谈中学生是否有必要阅读英文经典文学120词英语作文


We should learn English,because English has become the international language,so we must be combined with social development and to further learn English.所以我只能写这么多了.

F. 学生如何获取更多的时间去阅读英语作文


G. 急求英语作文 题目‘中学生如何阅读英语文章’ 80词的

How to Do Reading
In my opinion, when it comes to reading English articles, I think it's necessary to look through all paragraphs, so that we can get the main ideas of the article.
If you don't have enough time to go through it, then just get the main idea of each paragraph. Basically, there would be a hint at the beginning of the article, which will tell us what this article is all about. And in the following paragraphs, the key idea usually exists in the beginning or at the end of the paragraph. Then, run to the conclusion part to get the writer's opinion on this.

H. 求大家帮我写一篇英语作文:阅读的好处和怎样营造好的阅读环境,100词左右,初中水平,要用到定语从

Reading is my hobby. While reading, I can get a lot of happiness. When I'm free, I often read some famous books. Books are my best friends that always keep me a good company. They often give me powers. Through reading, I can enlarge my eyes as well as widen my heart. Through reading, I become more and more knowledgeable.
My favorite books are Readers and VOA. Readers cover the knowledge of culture, literature, and history, so I can benefit a lot by reading it. VOA can let me know the foreign countries better. Thanks to VOA, my oral English is improving day by day.



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